miercuri, 22 septembrie 2010


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sâmbătă, 14 august 2010


Pergamentele de la Marea Moartă, un mister rezolvat?

28 Iulie 2010

Pergamentele de la Marea Moartă, un mister rezolvat?

Peştera unde au fost găsite pergamentele (Foto: happytellus.com)

Peştera unde au fost găsite pergamentele (Foto: happytellus.com)

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Traduceri recente importante, excavarea unor tuneluri vechi din Ierusalim, precum şi o serie de alte săpături arheologice ar putea conduce la rezolvare unuia dintre cele mai mari mistere biblice: cine a scris pergamentele de la Marea Moartă?

Noile indicii arată că pergamentele, printre care se găsesc şi unele dintre cele mai vechi documente biblice, ar putea fi opera mai multor grupuri şi chiar ar putea fi "marea comoară din templu de la Ierusalim, în care se afla şi Chivotul Sfânt, aşa cum explică Biblia, informează realitatea.net.

Pergamentele de la Marea Moartă au fost descoperite în urmă cu 60 de ani, într-o peşteră lângă vechea aşezare Qumran. Iniţial se credea că o sectă de evrei numită Esenieni, care ocupau Qumran în primele secole din era noastră, ar fi scris papirusurile.

Potrivit nationageographic.com, noi cercetări sugerează că pergamentele îşi au originea în altă parte şi au fost scrise de mai multe grupuri de evrei, unii fugind în anii 70 e.n. de asediul roman care a distrus templul de la Ierusalim.

"Evreii au scris pergamentele, dar nu a fost un grup specific. Ar fi putut fi mai multe grupuri, din secte diferite", a declarat Robert Cargill, un arheolog care apare în documentarul "Writing the Dead Sea Scrolls" pe National Geographic.

Această nouă orientare nu este însă una acceptată de toţi cărturarii biblici. "Am un sentiment că va fi o teorie foarte disputată", a adăugat şi Lawrence Schiffman, un profesor de ebraică şi studii iudaice de la Universitatea din New York.

joi, 8 iulie 2010


Why study geography?
It is not unusual for geographers to be asked what it is they "do." In response, geographers often say that we study the "why of where." This is a shorthand way of saying that geographical curiosity is grounded by an enduring interest in the patterns of human and natural phenomena, and the interaction of both, as they are manifested in particular locations, environments, and places.

As historians study time, geographers study space
The curiosity of a geographer is virtually unbounded; we are observers and analysts of space, place, and environment on scales from the local to the global. Geography is a multifaceted discipline that bridges the social sciences, the humanities, and the physical sciences.

Geographers study:

international trade
urban life
economic patterns
the ways in which cultures — past and present — leave their imprint on the land and landscape
the movements of people across space — from local commuting patterns to global refugee flows
geopolitical patterns — the changing power relationships within and between nations and states
the ways in which human relationships to places, spaces, and environments are shaped by — and, in turn, shape — class, ethnic, race, and gender identities
natural hazards, biogeography, climate change, and earthquakes
they map the world, literally as well as metaphorically, and employ the newest technologies of geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing and satellite imagery to better understand the world's constantly changing natural and human landscapes
What skills will geography teach me that an employer will want?
geography studies equips students analytical and conceptual skills
the understanding of the spatial dimension of physical, environmental, and human phenomena
trains students to appreciate the importance of a broad, international, and comparative perspective
provides students with technical skills, a focus on environment and society, and local/global interpretive capacity that is increasingly important for an informed citizenry
a high proportion of our students go on to graduate work, in geography or cognate fields, and we have placed students at some of the best graduate programs in the country.
Students who want more information on the study and practice of geography can pick up several brochures in the department office including "Careers in Geography" and "Geography as a Discipline."

What kind of courses will I take?
The Geography Department offers a wide variety of course choices; many of which will take majors around the world For example, students can sign up for regional geography courses on Canada, Vermont, Africa, or the USA. Other introductory offerings include courses on the geography of race and ethnicity, "geotechniques," and our ever-popular introductory classes in world regional geography and world natural environments. Intermediate-level classes include political geography, cultural ecology, geography and gender, international development and political ecology, urban geography, biogeography and intermediate courses in GIS and remote sensing. At the advanced level, we offer classes that include spatial analysis, research methods, climate and hazards, and global economic restructuring.

Interdepartmental ties: The commitment to an Area Studies focus in our department is strengthened by close ties to the International Studies and Canadian Studies Programs at UVM. Similarly, we regularly cross-list courses and work in concert with a number of other departments at UVM, including the Environmental Program, Women's Studies, Political Science, Geology, Anthropology, and Natural Resources.

What kind of job will I get with a geography degree?
Read "Careers in Geography" section
The Association of American Geographers has an excellent website on Careers in Geography.